Raising finance for ongoing business

Raising finance for ongoing business

Q:  If an ongoing business is short of cash for day to day operations can you help, and what would you advise? A:  If you are running short of cash, it could mean that something is going wrong.  You could be paying fast and collecting slow; you could be losing money on your operations, or Read more
How much does a business plan cost?

How much does a business plan cost?

Q: If I need a business plan and cash is tight, why shouldn’t I go somewhere that’s offering to do a plan for $1,000 - $2,000? A:  If cash is tight, can you afford to throw $1,000 - $2,000 away on something that won’t work?  You must build a fail-safe road map to make sure Read more
Business plans for start ups

Business plans for start ups

Q: Can Savant help if a business plan is needed to raise money for a start-up? A: Many people have an idea that they think is going to make them rich.  They get all fired up, throw their resources into it, and do whatever is necessary to get the funds they believe are needed to Read more
Raising money to expand

Raising money to expand

Q:  If a business is looking to expand and needs to finance it, can you help? A: If you are raising money to expand, then it is important to understand firstly why you are planning to expand.  If it is to mask an underlying problem in your existing business, then again, all you will do Read more
How can Savant help existing businesses?

How can Savant help existing businesses?

Q: I have a business and believe that it could do a lot better – What can Savant do for me? A:  If you want to improve your existing business, congratulations!  This is something good managers should be doing all the time, in good times and bad. Our consultants have extensive experience in various industries Read more
How to improve business performance by up to 80%

How to improve business performance by up to 80%

Q: You say that you can improve performance by between 20% and 80%.  How can you do this? A:  A lot of our approach is based on the belief that a business’s 2 greatest assets are its customers and its people.  Another key belief is that a company’s staff is often its most expensive asset, Read more
Why should I choose Savant?

Why should I choose Savant?

Q: Do you have any words of advice to anyone listening to this? A:  Yes.  Trust us as your Business Partner – we help businesses discover their winning edge by optimising their processes, letting their people develop to their full potential and contribute it, and by instituting a goal-driven framework with frequent feedback and reviews Read more