Wendy applies for more than 100 jobs each week, but is told she is ‘over-qualified’
Headlines like this really blow me away.
If someone offered you a Mercedes for the price of a VW Beetle, would you still continue looking for a Beetle?
Why then is being over qualified a disqualifier for a position?
Doesn’t it make sense to grab the opportunity to get someone that’s proven, through their qualifications, to be a hard worker, someone with intelligence who can be an asset to the organisation in many ways? Does having intelligence and being able to work hard mean that that person won’t be able to do the job advertised?
What does the fact that Wendy is refused employment by over 100 employers per week say about the quality of the management in those companies, and the decisions they make?
I say that those refusals come from lemmings, people who don’t think about the choices they make and are just prepared to ‘go with the flow’, because that is what everyone else is doing.
As a management consultancy, we focus on staff and customers as the 2 greatest assets a business has, and always recommend improving the quality of those assets as that is the secret to competitive survival and profitability.
I would have recommended that Wendy be offered a job immediately, as she is a bargain, likely to be snapped up by others. I’m disappointed that I have overrated the intelligence of managers by that much.
It seems just common sense to me.
What do you think?